Bible Stories

The story of jesus helping a father – एक पिता की मदद करने वाले यीशु की कहानी

The story of Jesus helping a father is found in the Gospels and is often referred to as the healing of the official’s son or the healing of the nobleman’s son.

This story is recounted in the Gospel of John, chapter 4:46-54. It takes place in the town of Capernaum, where a royal official (often referred to as a nobleman or courtier) had a sick son who was near death.

Hearing that Jesus had returned from Judea to Galilee, the official went to Him with hope. He implored Jesus to come to Capernaum and heal his son, who was very ill.

Jesus initially responded by saying, “Unless you see signs and wonders, you will not believe” (John 4:48). Despite this, He did not go to Capernaum but instead told the official, “Go; your son will live.” This was a test of the official’s faith.

The official believed Jesus’ words and returned to his home. On his way back, his servants met him with the news that his son was recovering. The official asked about the exact time of the improvement, and they told him it was at the very hour when Jesus had said his son would live.

Realizing that his son had been healed at the very hour Jesus had spoken, the official and his entire household believed in Jesus. This miracle not only restored the health of the official’s son but also strengthened the faith of the official and his family.

The story highlights the importance of faith in Jesus’ words. The official’s trust in Jesus’ promise, despite not seeing immediate evidence, exemplifies the power of belief in Jesus’ authority and compassion.

It demonstrates Jesus’ divine authority and His ability to heal from a distance, illustrating that His power is not limited by physical proximity.

The healing led to a broader impact, as the official’s entire household came to believe in Jesus. This underscores the transformative effect of miracles on faith and belief in Christ.

This story serves as a powerful testament to the importance of faith and the ability of Jesus to perform miracles and bring about change in people’s lives.


The story of jesus helping a father – एक पिता की मदद करने वाले यीशु की कहानी

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