Bible Stories

The story of jesus defeating death – यीशु द्वारा मृत्यु को पराजित करने की कहानी

The story of Jesus defeating death begins with his crucifixion, a pivotal event in the New Testament.

Jesus shares a final meal with his disciples, known as the Last Supper, where he predicts his betrayal. Jesus is betrayed by Judas Iscariot, arrested by Roman soldiers, and subjected to a series of trials. Despite being found innocent by Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, the crowd demands his crucifixion.

Jesus is crucified at Golgotha, a place outside Jerusalem. He is nailed to a cross and suffers for several hours.

While on the cross, Jesus speaks several important phrases, including forgiving those who crucify him and assuring a repentant thief of paradise. After hours of suffering, Jesus declares, “It is finished,” and dies. At that moment, the temple veil is torn in two, symbolizing the new access to God made possible by Jesus’ sacrifice.

A follower of Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea, asks Pilate for Jesus’ body. He wraps it in linen and places it in a tomb carved out of rock. A large stone is rolled in front of the tomb’s entrance, and Roman soldiers are stationed to guard it, ensuring that no one can steal Jesus’ body.

On the third day after Jesus’ crucifixion, women who were followers of Jesus, including Mary Magdalene, visit the tomb to anoint his body.

They find the stone rolled away and the tomb empty. An angel tells them that Jesus has risen from the dead. Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene and later to his disciples, demonstrating that he is alive. He shows them his wounds and eats with them, proving that he is not a ghost.

resurrection is the central event of Christianity. It signifies his victory over death and the promise of eternal life for all who believe in him.

Jesus’ resurrection fulfills Old Testament prophecies and his own predictions about his death and resurrection. The resurrection is the cornerstone of Christian faith, affirming Jesus as the Son of God and the Savior of humanity.

Before ascending to heaven, Jesus gives his disciples the Great Commission, instructing them to spread the gospel to all nations. Jesus ascends to heaven, promising to send the Holy Spirit to empower his followers.

The resurrection provides hope for life after death and the promise of renewal and eternal life with God. Believers are called to have faith in Jesus’ victory over death and trust in his promise of salvation. Jesus’ final instructions emphasize the importance of spreading the message of his resurrection and the salvation it offers.

The story of Jesus defeating death is a powerful narrative of sacrifice, victory, and hope that forms the foundation of Christian belief and inspires millions around the world.


The story of jesus defeating death – यीशु द्वारा मृत्यु को पराजित करने की कहानी

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