Bible Stories

The story of jesus cursing a fig tree – यीशु द्वारा अंजीर के पेड़ को श्राप देने की कहानी

The story of Jesus cursing a fig tree is found in the New Testament of the Bible, specifically in the Gospels of Matthew (Matthew 21:18-22) and Mark (Mark 11:12-14, 20-25). 

Jesus and his disciples were in Jerusalem during the week leading up to his crucifixion. On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus encountered a fig tree.

Jesus saw a fig tree by the roadside, but when he approached it, he found no fruit on it. It was not the season for figs, but the tree’s leaves suggested that there might be figs.

In response to finding no fruit, Jesus said to the tree, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again!” The Gospel of Mark adds that the disciples heard Jesus pronounce the curse.

The next day, as Jesus and his disciples passed by the same fig tree, they saw that it had withered from the roots. Peter pointed out the withered tree to Jesus.

The cursing of the fig tree is often seen as a symbolic act. It serves as a lesson about genuine faith and the importance of bearing spiritual fruit. The fig tree, with its leaves but no fruit, may symbolize empty religious appearances without true substance.

Following the observation of the withered fig tree, Jesus used the occasion to teach about faith and prayer. He emphasized the power of faith and the importance of forgiveness in connection with effective prayer.

The story is often interpreted to convey spiritual truths about genuine faith, the importance of spiritual fruitfulness, and the significance of prayer.

The cursing of the fig tree serves as a symbolic event with spiritual lessons applicable to believers in their relationship with God and others.

This story is a part of the larger narrative in the Gospels that recounts Jesus’ teachings and actions during the final days of his earthly ministry. It is a symbolic event that carries deeper spiritual meanings, emphasizing the importance of genuine faith and a life that bears spiritual fruit.


The story of jesus cursing a fig tree – यीशु द्वारा अंजीर के पेड़ को श्राप देने की कहानी

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