Bible Stories

The story of jesus commanding the winds and the waves – यीशु द्वारा हवाओं और लहरों को आदेश देने की कहानी

The story of Jesus commanding the winds and the waves is found in the New Testament of the Bible, in the Gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. 

During Jesus’ ministry, he and his disciples were traveling across the Sea of Galilee in a boat. Suddenly, a fierce storm arose, with strong winds and waves battering the boat. The disciples, fearing for their lives, woke Jesus, who was sleeping in the boat, and cried out to him for help.

In response, Jesus stood up and rebuked the wind and the waves, saying, “Peace, be still!” Immediately, the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. The disciples were astonished and marveled at Jesus’ power over the forces of nature.

Jesus then turned to his disciples and questioned their lack of faith, asking them why they were afraid and if they still had no faith in him. This miraculous event demonstrated Jesus’ authority over creation and served as a powerful lesson on the importance of faith and trust in God, even in the midst of life’s storms.

The story of Jesus calming the storm is not only a demonstration of his divine power but also a reminder of his presence with his followers in times of trouble, offering them comfort, protection, and peace.


The story of jesus commanding the winds and the waves –

यीशु द्वारा हवाओं और लहरों को आदेश देने की कहानी

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