Bible Stories

The story of jesus choosing his apostles – यीशु द्वारा अपने प्रेरितों को चुनने की कहानी

The story of Jesus choosing His apostles is a significant event in the New Testament, reflecting a pivotal moment in His ministry. This event is primarily recorded in the Gospels of Matthew (10:1–4), Mark (3:13–19), and Luke (6:12–16). 

Before choosing His apostles, Jesus had begun His public ministry, teaching, preaching, and performing miracles. He gained followers, some of whom showed a deeper commitment to His teachings.

The event starts with Jesus going up on a mountain to pray. This is significant as it shows the importance of prayer in making major decisions. He spent the whole night in prayer to God.

After prayer, He called His disciples to Him. From this larger group of disciples, He chose twelve whom He also designated apostles.

Often considered the unofficial leader of the apostles. Peter’s brother, one of the first to follow Jesus. Son of Zebedee, often referred to as James the Greater. Brother of James, also a son of Zebedee, and traditionally believed to be the author of the Gospel of John. Known for his questioning to understand Jesus’s teachings better. Recognized Jesus as the Son of God from the beginning.

A tax collector before following Jesus. Famously doubted Jesus’s resurrection until he saw Him. Often identified as James, son of Alphaeus. Sometimes referred to as Judas, son of James, not to be confused with Judas Iscariot. Known for his passionate adherence to the Jewish law and traditions. Later betrayed Jesus, leading to Jesus’s arrest and crucifixion.

The apostles were to become the foundational leaders of the early Church, spreading Jesus’s teachings after His death and resurrection. They came from various backgrounds, reflecting Jesus’s message of universal salvation. This diversity also meant they had different understandings and perspectives. Jesus sent them out to preach, heal, and cast out demons, sharing in His mission and authority. The choice of twelve apostles symbolically represents the twelve tribes of Israel, indicating the renewal of God’s people.

The story of Jesus choosing His apostles is a cornerstone of Christian history, signifying the establishment of a new covenant community. It underscores themes of calling, service, and the transformative power of following Jesus. The apostles’ diverse backgrounds highlight the inclusive nature of Jesus’s ministry, and their subsequent actions laid the foundations for the spread of Christianity.


The story of jesus choosing his apostles – यीशु द्वारा अपने प्रेरितों को चुनने की कहानी

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