Bible Stories

The story of jesus bringing lazarus back to life – यीशु द्वारा लाजर को दोबारा जीवित करने की कहानी

The story of Jesus bringing Lazarus back to life is one of the most famous and poignant accounts in the New Testament. It is found in the Gospel of John, chapter 11.

Lazarus was the brother of Mary and Martha and a close friend of Jesus. He fell ill, and his sisters sent word to Jesus, who was in another town, asking him to come and heal him. However, Jesus delayed his visit intentionally, stating that Lazarus’ illness would not lead to death but would serve to glorify God.

When Jesus arrived in Bethany, he found that Lazarus had already been dead for four days. Martha, Lazarus’ sister, expressed her faith in Jesus, stating that she believed he could have prevented Lazarus’ death. Jesus was deeply moved and went to the tomb, where Lazarus had been laid. There, he asked for the stone covering the entrance to be removed. Despite objections from the crowd due to the stench of decay, Jesus called out to Lazarus, saying, “Lazarus, come out!” Miraculously, Lazarus emerged from the tomb, still wrapped in burial clothes.

Witnesses to this incredible event were filled with awe and wonder. Many believed in Jesus as a result of this miraculous resurrection. However, others went to report the incident to the religious authorities, which contributed to their decision to plot Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion.

The raising of Lazarus is significant not only as a demonstration of Jesus’ power over death but also as a foreshadowing of his own resurrection. It serves as a powerful affirmation of Jesus’ identity as the Son of God and the source of eternal life for all who believe in him.

This story highlights Jesus’ compassion for his friends, his authority over death, and his ultimate victory over the grave. It is a profound illustration of Jesus’ role as the giver of life and the fulfillment of God’s promises to his people.


The story of jesus bringing lazarus back to life – यीशु द्वारा लाजर को दोबारा जीवित करने की कहानी

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