Bible Stories

The story of jehu being anointed as king of israel – येहू के इस्राएल के राजा के रूप में अभिषिक्त होने की कहानी

The story of Jehu being anointed as king of Israel is found in the Bible, particularly in the Books of Kings. Jehu’s anointing is part of the larger narrative that unfolds in the context of the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The specific account of Jehu’s anointing is in 2 Kings 9-10.

The prophet Elisha sends one of the sons of the prophets to anoint Jehu as king over Israel.The prophet is instructed to do so in a private setting, away from the others.

The prophet finds Jehu among his fellow military officers and takes him into an inner room. There, the prophet anoints Jehu with oil, signifying his selection as the future king of Israel. The anointing is accompanied by a declaration of God’s will for Jehu to carry out a specific mission.

Jehu is given a divine mandate to execute judgment upon the house of Ahab, the former king of Israel, and to avenge the blood of the prophets and servants of God shed by Ahab and his wife Jezebel. Jehu is commissioned to eliminate all descendants of Ahab, leaving none alive.

Jehu receives the mission with zeal and immediately takes action. He sets out to Jezreel, where King Joram (son of Ahab) and Ahaziah (king of Judah and a descendant of Ahab) are residing.

Jehu kills King Joram and then proceeds to confront Jezebel, the mother of Joram and a prominent figure associated with the worship of Baal. Jezebel meets a gruesome end as she is thrown out of a window and trampled by horses, fulfilling Elijah’s earlier prophecy.

Jehu continues his mission by eliminating those associated with the worship of the false god Baal, destroying the temple of Baal and purging the land of idolatry.

Jehu’s reign is marked by a series of ruthless actions, fulfilling the prophetic word given at his anointing. However, despite his initial zeal for the Lord’s commands, Jehu is later criticized for not wholeheartedly turning to God and allowing certain sinful practices to persist in Israel.


The story of jehu being anointed as king of israel – येहू के इस्राएल के राजा के रूप में अभिषिक्त होने की कहानी

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