Bible Stories

The story of jacob marrying leah and rachel – जैकब की लिआ और राहेल से शादी की कहानी

The story of Jacob marrying Leah and Rachel is found in the Book of Genesis (chapters 29-30). It’s a tale of love, deception, and familial duty that unfolds over several years.

jacob, the son of Isaac and Rebekah, had to flee his home after deceiving his brother Esau and taking his blessing. Following his mother’s advice, Jacob travels to his uncle Laban’s house in Haran. On the way, he has a dream of a ladder reaching up to heaven, a sign of God’s covenant with him.

When Jacob arrives in Haran, he meets Rachel, Laban’s younger daughter, at a well. He is instantly smitten by her beauty. Rachel brings him to Laban’s household, where Jacob stays and works. Laban offers Jacob a deal: in exchange for working seven years, he can marry Rachel. Jacob, in love, agrees to the terms.

After seven years of service, Jacob eagerly anticipates marrying Rachel. However, Laban deceives Jacob. On the wedding night, he sends Leah, his elder daughter, instead of Rachel. It was customary in that culture for the eldest daughter to marry first, and Laban used this as his justification.

Jacob only realizes he has married Leah the morning after the wedding. Angry at the deception, he confronts Laban, who explains that their custom forbids the younger daughter from marrying before the elder. However, Laban offers Jacob a new deal: he can also marry Rachel if he agrees to work another seven years.

Jacob agrees to the new arrangement. A week after marrying Leah, he marries Rachel as well. Though Rachel is the one he truly loves, Jacob remains married to both women.

Leah, feeling unloved, hopes to win Jacob’s affection by bearing him children. She gives birth to several sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah. Meanwhile, Rachel is barren, which causes her great distress. In her desperation, Rachel gives her maidservant Bilhah to Jacob as a concubine to bear children on her behalf, leading to the birth of Dan and Naphtali.

Leah, not wanting to be outdone, gives her maid Zilpah to Jacob, who bears Gad and Asher. Leah later bears more children: Issachar and Zebulun, and a daughter named Dinah.

Eventually, God hears Rachel’s prayers, and she gives birth to Joseph, who becomes Jacob’s favorite son. Later, Rachel has another son, Benjamin, but tragically dies during childbirth.

The story of Jacob, Leah, and Rachel forms the foundation of the 12 tribes of Israel, named after Jacob’s sons. It illustrates themes of love, jealousy, and God’s providence, showing how even through human deception and rivalry, God’s promises continue to unfold.


The story of jacob marrying leah and rachel –

जैकब की लिआ और राहेल से शादी की कहानी

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