Bible Stories

The story of jacob leaving laban – याकूब द्वारा लाबान को छोड़ने की कहानी

The story of Jacob leaving Laban is found in the Book of Genesis, primarily in Genesis 31. 

Jacob had been living with his uncle Laban for many years. He initially came to Laban’s household to escape from his brother Esau’s anger after stealing his birthright. During his time with Laban, Jacob married Leah and Rachel, Laban’s daughters, and accumulated a large flock of sheep and goats.

After years of working for Laban, Jacob decided it was time to leave. He felt that Laban had changed his attitude toward him and that God was telling him to return to his homeland. Jacob secretly gathered his family and possessions without informing Laban of his departure.

Jacob and his family left while Laban was away shearing sheep. When Laban learned of their departure, he pursued them. God warned Laban in a dream not to harm Jacob.

Laban caught up with Jacob and confronted him. Jacob explained that he left secretly out of fear that Laban would not let them go. Laban expressed his hurt but acknowledged that God had warned him. They eventually made a covenant, setting up a stone as a witness to their agreement, and Laban returned to his home.

This story highlights themes of family dynamics, the challenges of working with relatives, and the importance of following divine guidance. It also sets the stage for Jacob’s return to Canaan, where he would eventually reconcile with Esau.


The story of jacob leaving laban – याकूब द्वारा लाबान को छोड़ने की कहानी

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