Bible Stories

The story of jacob ladder vision – जैकब की सीढ़ी दर्शन की कहानी

The story of Jacob’s ladder vision is found in the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically in Genesis 28:10-22. Here’s a summary

Jacob, the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham, is on a journey from his hometown of Beersheba to Haran to escape the wrath of his brother Esau, whom he deceived to obtain his father’s blessing.

As night falls, Jacob stops to rest at a certain place and lies down to sleep, using a stone as a pillow. During the night, he dreams of a ladder set up on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven. Angels of God are ascending and descending on the ladder.

In the dream, the Lord stands above the ladder and speaks to Jacob, reaffirming the covenant made with Abraham and Isaac. God promises Jacob the land on which he lies, numerous descendants who will spread out to the north, south, east, and west, and divine protection wherever he goes.

Upon waking from his dream, Jacob is awestruck by the encounter and realizes the presence of God in that place. He declares it to be a “house of God” and names it Bethel, which means “house of God.” Jacob then takes the stone he used as a pillow, sets it up as a pillar, and pours oil on it as an offering to God.

Jacob makes a vow to serve the Lord and pledges to give a tenth of all he possesses to God if God fulfills his promises and brings him safely back to his father’s house.

Jacob’s ladder vision is considered a significant moment in biblical history, symbolizing the connection between heaven and earth and God’s presence and provision for his people. The story serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness to fulfill his promises and the importance of acknowledging and honoring God’s presence in our lives.

Jacob’s ladder vision is one of the key narratives in the patriarchal history of the Israelites and is often cited as a source of inspiration and spiritual reflection in religious teachings and interpretations.


The story of jacob ladder vision – जैकब की सीढ़ी दर्शन की कहानी

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