Bible Stories

The story of jacob and laban – याकूब और लाबान की कहानी

The story of Jacob and Laban is found in the Book of Genesis in the Bible, primarily in Genesis 29-31. 

Jacob, the son of Isaac and Rebekah, fled from his brother Esau’s anger after deceiving him and arrived in the land of Haran.

At a well in Haran, Jacob encountered Rachel, Laban’s younger daughter. He was captivated by her beauty.

Jacob decided to work for Laban, Rachel’s father, in exchange for marrying Rachel. Laban agreed but tricked Jacob by giving him Leah, his elder daughter, in marriage before Rachel.

Jacob, unaware of the deception until the morning after the wedding, agreed to work another seven years for Rachel.

Jacob had children with both Leah and Rachel, as well as their handmaids Bilhah and Zilpah. The sisters, Leah and Rachel, competed for Jacob’s affection, leading to a rivalry.

Despite Laban’s attempts to manipulate Jacob’s wages, God blessed Jacob’s livestock, and he became prosperous.

After working for Laban for many years, Jacob desired to return to his homeland. Laban was reluctant to let him go but eventually agreed to a settlement.

Laban and Jacob made a covenant, setting up a pillar of stones as a witness to their agreement. Jacob left Laban’s household with his wives, children, and possessions.

Laban pursued Jacob but was warned by God in a dream not to harm him. Laban and Jacob reconciled, and a covenant was established between them.

Laban set up a boundary marker, and they parted ways amicably. Jacob continued his journey, eventually returning to Canaan.

The story of Jacob and Laban is rich with themes of deception, family dynamics, and God’s guidance in the midst of complex relationships.


The story of jacob and laban – याकूब और लाबान की कहानी

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