Bible Stories

The story of isaiah helping king hezekiah pray – यशायाह द्वारा राजा हिजकिय्याह को प्रार्थना करने में मदद करने की कहानी

The story of Isaiah helping King Hezekiah pray is found in the Old Testament of the Bible, primarily in the Second Book of Kings (2 Kings 19:1-37), the Book of Isaiah (Isaiah 37:1-38), and the Second Book of Chronicles (2 Chronicles 32:20-22). This narrative recounts an incident during the reign of King Hezekiah of Judah when the Assyrian king, Sennacherib, threatened Jerusalem. 

King Hezekiah faced a severe threat from the Assyrian king Sennacherib, who had conquered many nations and now aimed to conquer Jerusalem. The Assyrians had already captured many fortified cities in Judah.

Faced with this dire situation, King Hezekiah took several measures to prepare for the Assyrian invasion. He fortified the city, repaired the walls, and ensured the availability of water within the city.

In an attempt to demoralize the people of Jerusalem, Sennacherib sent a letter to King Hezekiah boasting of his military conquests and mocking the power of God to save Jerusalem.

Hezekiah was deeply distressed by the threatening letter. He went to the house of the Lord and spread the letter before the Lord, praying earnestly for God’s intervention and expressing his trust in God’s power.

Isaiah the prophet received a message from the Lord in response to Hezekiah’s prayer. Isaiah assured Hezekiah that God had heard his prayer and that Sennacherib would not succeed in his plans against Jerusalem. Isaiah prophesied that Sennacherib would not enter the city, shoot an arrow into it, or even come near it.

That night, the angel of the Lord went out and struck down 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in the camp. When Sennacherib woke up and saw the devastation, he withdrew and returned to Assyria, where he was later assassinated.

In a related episode, Hezekiah fell ill, and Isaiah again came to him with a message from God, telling him that he would die. Hezekiah pleaded with God, and in response to his prayer, God extended his life by 15 years.

The story of Isaiah helping King Hezekiah pray illustrates the power of prayer and God’s faithfulness in responding to the cries of His people. Hezekiah’s trust in God, coupled with Isaiah’s prophetic guidance, resulted in divine intervention and the protection of Jerusalem from the Assyrian threat. This story is a testament to the importance of faith, prayer, and the assurance that God hears and responds to the pleas of those who seek Him.


The story of isaiah helping king hezekiah pray –

यशायाह द्वारा राजा हिजकिय्याह को प्रार्थना करने में मदद करने की कहानी

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