Bible Stories

The story of isaac finding a wife – इसहाक की पत्नी ढूंढने की कहानी

The story of Isaac finding a wife, Rebekah, is detailed in Genesis 24. This narrative emphasizes faith, divine guidance, and the continuation of God’s covenant with Abraham through his son Isaac.

Abraham, now old and concerned about his son Isaac’s future, instructs his chief servant (often identified as Eliezer) to find a wife for Isaac from among his relatives in his homeland, rather than from the Canaanites among whom they live.

The servant swears an oath to Abraham, placing his hand under Abraham’s thigh, which was a customary way of making a solemn promise.

The servant takes ten camels and various gifts and sets out for the city of Nahor in Mesopotamia, where Abraham’s relatives live.

Upon arriving at a well outside the city, the servant prays for a sign. He asks God that the chosen woman will offer him a drink and also water his camels.
Rebekah, a beautiful and kind woman, approaches the well. She not only gives the servant a drink but also waters his camels, fulfilling the exact sign the servant had prayed for.

The servant is welcomed into Rebekah’s family home, where he explains his mission and recounts the events at the well. Rebekah’s brother, Laban, and her father, Bethuel, agree that the match is divinely ordained and consent to the marriage.

Rebekah is given the choice to go with the servant, and she willingly agrees, showing her faith and willingness to embrace her destiny.

Rebekah and her maidens travel with the servant back to Canaan. Isaac is meditating in the field when he sees the caravan approaching. Rebekah sees Isaac, dismounts, and veils herself.

Isaac brings Rebekah into his mother Sarah’s tent, and she becomes his wife. He loves her, and she brings comfort to him after his mother’s death.

This story highlights themes of faith, providence, and the fulfillment of God’s promises. It also emphasizes the importance of family and divine guidance in making important life decisions.


The story of isaac finding a wife – इसहाक की पत्नी ढूंढने की कहानी

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