Bible Stories

The story of isaac blessing jacob – इसहाक द्वारा याकूब को आशीर्वाद देने की कहानी

The story of Isaac blessing Jacob is a crucial narrative found in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. 

Isaac, the son of Abraham and Sarah, had grown old and was losing his eyesight. He intended to bless his elder son Esau before he died.

Rebekah, Jacob’s mother, overheard Isaac’s plan and knew that God had chosen Jacob to receive the blessing. She devised a plan to ensure that Jacob received the blessing instead of Esau.

Rebekah instructed Jacob to bring two young goats from the flock, and she prepared a dish that resembled Esau’s venison. She covered Jacob’s hands and neck with goatskins to simulate Esau’s hairy appearance.

Jacob, disguised as Esau, approached his father Isaac. When Isaac questioned his identity, Jacob pretended to be Esau and received the blessing. Isaac unwittingly bestowed upon Jacob the blessing of prosperity, dominion over his brothers, and the favor of God.

Shortly after Jacob received the blessing, Esau returned from hunting and discovered the deception. He was heartbroken and pleaded with his father for a blessing as well. Isaac, realizing the mistake, blessed Esau with a different blessing related to his future life.

Fearing Esau’s anger, Rebekah advised Jacob to flee to her brother Laban’s house until Esau’s wrath subsided.

The story highlights themes of deception, the consequences of favoritism, and the sovereignty of God in fulfilling His promises. It sets the stage for Jacob’s journey, where he later encounters God and undergoes a transformative experience, eventually becoming known as Israel.


The story of isaac blessing jacob – इसहाक द्वारा याकूब को आशीर्वाद देने की कहानी

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