Bible Stories

The story of isaac and rebekah – इसहाक और रिबका की कहानी

The story of Isaac and Rebekah is a significant and romantic narrative found in the Hebrew Bible, specifically in the Book of Genesis (chapters 24-27). It’s a tale that illustrates faith, love, and divine providence. 

Abraham, Isaac’s father, is old and wants to find a suitable wife for his son. He wishes to find a wife from his own people rather than from the Canaanites. So, he sends his oldest servant to his homeland in Mesopotamia. Abraham’s servant prays to God for guidance in finding the right woman for Isaac, asking for a sign. He prays that the woman who offers water to him and his camels at the well would be the one chosen by God.

Rebekah, a beautiful virgin and a relative of Abraham, appears at the well. She does exactly as the servant had prayed – offers him water and draws water for all his camels. The servant explains his mission to Rebekah’s family, and they agree to the marriage, recognizing it as God’s will.

Rebekah agrees to leave her home and family to marry Isaac. She travels with Abraham’s servant to Canaan. Isaac sees Rebekah approaching in the distance. Rebekah also sees Isaac and covers herself with a veil, a sign of modesty and respect. Isaac brings Rebekah into his mother Sarah’s tent, marries her, and loves her. She provides comfort to Isaac after the death of his mother.

Rebekah is initially barren, but Isaac prays to God, and Rebekah conceives. She gives birth to twins, Esau and Jacob, who struggle within her womb, symbolizing the future conflict between the two. Isaac favors Esau, while Rebekah favors Jacob. This favoritism leads to deceit when Rebekah helps Jacob deceive Isaac into giving him the blessing meant for Esau, resulting in significant family conflict.

The story highlights the role of divine providence and the importance of faith in God’s plan. Abraham’s faith in sending his servant and the servant’s prayerful approach to finding the right wife for Isaac are central themes. The marriage of Isaac and Rebekah continues the lineage through which God promised to Abraham that his descendants would be numerous and blessed. The narrative sets the stage for the complex family dynamics that play out in the lives of their sons, Esau and Jacob, whose story is also pivotal in the Jewish and Christian traditions.

Isaac and Rebekah’s story is often remembered for its themes of faith, the fulfillment of God’s promises, and the complexities of family relationships. It plays a crucial role in the larger narrative of the patriarchs in the Bible.


The story of isaac and rebekah – इसहाक और रिबका की कहानी

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