Bible Stories

The story of god’s covenant with abram – अब्राम के साथ परमेश्वर की वाचा की कहानी

The story of God’s covenant with Abram is a significant event in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically in the Book of Genesis, chapters 15 and 17. It outlines the promise that God made to Abram, who later became known as Abraham, and the covenant that established a special relationship between God and the patriarch.

Abram was a righteous man whom God chose to be the father of a great nation. In Genesis 12, God called Abram to leave his homeland and go to a land that God would show him.

In Genesis 15, after Abram had demonstrated great faith and obedience by following God’s call, the Lord appeared to him in a vision. God assured Abram that He would provide him with descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky, even though Abram and his wife Sarai were childless and elderly.

To confirm His promise, God instructed Abram to prepare a covenant ritual. Abram took specific animals, cut them in half, and arranged them as a path. This was a customary way to make a covenant in ancient times.

As Abram waited by the divided animal pieces, a deep sleep and a terrifying darkness fell upon him. God Himself passed through the pieces, symbolizing the solemnity and unbreakable nature of the covenant. This meant that God was taking full responsibility for fulfilling the covenant, regardless of Abram’s actions.

God reiterated the promise of a multitude of descendants to Abram and revealed that his descendants would be strangers in a foreign land for 400 years but would eventually inherit the Promised Land.

In Genesis 17, God appeared to Abram again and made a covenant that included a name change. God changed Abram’s name to Abraham, which means “father of many nations,” signifying the fulfillment of the promise of numerous descendants.

God established circumcision as the sign of the covenant. Every male in Abraham’s household, including himself, was to be circumcised as an outward mark of their commitment to God and participation in the covenant.

God also promised that Sarah, Abraham’s wife, would bear a son, even though she was elderly. They were to name him Isaac, and God’s covenant would continue through Isaac’s descendants.

The story of God’s covenant with Abraham is foundational to the Abrahamic religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It represents God’s faithfulness, His chosen people, and the divine promise that plays a central role in the biblical narrative. Abraham’s willingness to trust and obey God’s call is also seen as a model of faith for believers.


The story of god’s covenant with abram –

अब्राम के साथ परमेश्वर की वाचा की कहानी

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