Bible Stories

The story of god testing abraham faith – ईश्वर द्वारा इब्राहीम के विश्वास की परीक्षा लेने की कहानी

The story of God testing Abraham’s faith is found in the Book of Genesis, chapter 22, in the Old Testament of the Bible. 

God commands Abraham to take his son, his only son whom he loves, Isaac, and go to the region of Moriah. There, he is to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering on a mountain that God will show him.

Early the next morning, Abraham sets out with Isaac and two servants. After traveling for three days, they arrive at the place God had told him about. Abraham instructs the servants to wait with the donkey while he and Isaac go up the mountain to worship.

As they journey to the mountain, Isaac asks his father where the lamb for the burnt offering is. Abraham replies that God himself will provide the lamb for the sacrifice.

When they reach the designated place, Abraham builds an altar and arranges the wood on it. He then binds Isaac and places him on top of the wood, ready to sacrifice him.

Just as Abraham is about to sacrifice his son, the angel of the Lord calls out to him from heaven, telling him not to lay a hand on the boy. The angel commends Abraham for his obedience and reveals that God has seen his faithfulness.

Abraham looks up and sees a ram caught by its horns in a thicket nearby. He takes the ram and offers it as a burnt offering in place of his son Isaac.

The angel of the Lord reiterates God’s promise to bless Abraham and his descendants abundantly because of his obedience and faithfulness.

This story is often interpreted as a profound test of Abraham’s faith and obedience to God. Abraham’s willingness to obey, even in the face of sacrificing his beloved son, demonstrates his unwavering faith in God’s sovereignty and provision. Additionally, the story foreshadows God’s ultimate provision of a sacrificial lamb for the redemption of humanity through Jesus Christ.


The story of god testing abraham faith – ईश्वर द्वारा इब्राहीम के विश्वास की परीक्षा लेने की कहानी

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