Bible Stories

The story of god helping king hezekiah – राजा हिजकिय्याह की सहायता करने वाले परमेश्वर की कहानी

The story of God helping King Hezekiah is found in the Old Testament of the Bible, primarily in the books of 2 Kings (chapters 18-20) and 2 Chronicles (chapters 29-32). 

Hezekiah was the king of Judah who reigned during the late 8th century BCE. He is described as a righteous king who “did what was right in the eyes of the Lord” by removing idolatry and restoring worship of God in the kingdom.

During Hezekiah’s reign, the powerful Assyrian Empire, under the rule of King Sennacherib, threatened to invade Judah. Sennacherib’s army had already conquered many surrounding nations and laid siege to several fortified cities in Judah.

In preparation for the impending attack, Hezekiah fortified the defenses of Jerusalem, repaired the walls, and organized the people for defense. He also encouraged religious reforms, restoring the worship of God in the temple and reinstating the observance of Passover.

Despite Hezekiah’s efforts, Jerusalem came under siege by the Assyrian army. Sennacherib’s emissaries demanded surrender and boasted of their past conquests, taunting Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem.

Faced with the imminent threat of destruction, Hezekiah turned to God in prayer. He went to the temple and spread out the threatening letter from Sennacherib before the Lord, asking for deliverance and protection for the sake of God’s honor and the faithful remnant in Judah.

In response to Hezekiah’s prayer, God sent the prophet Isaiah with a message of assurance. Isaiah prophesied that God would intervene on behalf of Judah and that Sennacherib would be defeated. Overnight, the angel of the Lord struck down the Assyrian army, causing Sennacherib to retreat in humiliation.

Later in Hezekiah’s reign, he fell seriously ill. He prayed to God for healing, and God responded by granting him fifteen more years of life. As a sign of God’s miraculous intervention, the shadow on the sundial moved backward ten steps.

The story of God helping King Hezekiah illustrates the power of prayer, faithfulness, and trust in God’s deliverance. Despite facing overwhelming odds, Hezekiah remained steadfast in his devotion to God, and God intervened to protect and deliver his people from destruction.


The story of god helping king hezekiah – राजा हिजकिय्याह की सहायता करने वाले परमेश्वर की कहानी

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