Bible Stories

The story of gideon defeating the midianites – मिद्यानियों को हराने वाले गिदोन की कहानी

The story of Gideon defeating the Midianites is a biblical narrative found in the Book of Judges, specifically in Judges chapters 6 through 8. It recounts the account of Gideon, a judge chosen by God to lead the Israelites in a battle against the oppressive Midianite invaders.

The story begins with the Israelites being oppressed by the Midianites for seven years. The Midianites, along with the Amalekites and other eastern peoples, would raid Israelite crops and livestock, causing great hardship.

God chose Gideon, a member of the tribe of Manasseh, as the leader to deliver the Israelites from their oppression. An angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon while he was threshing wheat in a winepress to hide it from the Midianites. The angel addressed him as a “mighty warrior” and instructed him to save Israel from the Midianites.

Gideon was initially hesitant and expressed doubts about his own ability to lead the Israelites. He asked for signs from God to confirm his calling, such as the famous “fleece” test, where he requested that a fleece be wet with dew while the ground remained dry, and then vice versa.

Gideon rallied an army of Israelites to confront the Midianites. Initially, he gathered thousands of men, but God instructed him to reduce the size of his army to separate those who were genuinely devoted to God from those who were fearful or uncommitted. Only 300 men remained.

God revealed a unique battle strategy to Gideon. He instructed Gideon to divide his 300 men into three groups and arm them with trumpets, empty jars, and torches concealed inside the jars. They were to surround the Midianite camp during the night.

At Gideon’s signal, the Israelites broke their jars, revealing the torches, and blew their trumpets. The sudden noise and the sight of the torches caused confusion and panic among the Midianite army. In the chaos that ensued, the Midianites turned on each other, and a great victory was achieved.

Gideon and his men pursued the fleeing Midianites and captured their two kings, Zebah and Zalmunna. Gideon also sought retribution against the Israelite cities that had refused to support him during the campaign.

After the victory, Gideon made an ephod (a priestly garment) from the plunder and set it up in his hometown, Ophrah. This ephod became an object of idolatry for the Israelites. Gideon died, and the Israelites returned to their idolatrous ways.

The story of Gideon defeating the Midianites illustrates the theme of God choosing unlikely individuals to lead and deliver His people. Gideon’s faith and obedience, despite his initial doubts, led to a remarkable victory. However, it also serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of idolatry and the need for continued faithfulness to God’s commands.


The story of gideon defeating the midianites – मिद्यानियों को हराने वाले गिदोन की कहानी

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