Bible Stories

The story of esther saving the jews – एस्तेर द्वारा यहूदियों को बचाने की कहानी

The story of Esther saving the Jews is found in the Book of Esther in the Old Testament. The events take place during the time of the Persian Empire, and King Xerxes (also known as King Ahasuerus) is reigning. The story begins with a grand banquet thrown by King Xerxes, during which Queen Vashti refuses to appear before the king, leading to her removal from her position.

In the search for a new queen, Esther, a Jewish orphan living in the Persian capital of Susa, found favor in the eyes of Hegai, the king’s eunuch in charge of the harem. Esther, however, kept her Jewish identity a secret. She won the favor of the king and became the new queen.

Haman, an influential official in King Xerxes’ court, became offended when Mordecai, a Jew and cousin of Esther, refused to bow down to him. Seeking revenge, Haman devised a plot to annihilate all the Jews in the Persian Empire. He convinced the king to issue a decree allowing their destruction.

Mordecai, upon learning of Haman’s plot, urged Esther to approach the king and intercede on behalf of her people. Esther initially hesitated, as approaching the king without an invitation could result in death. However, Mordecai convinced her that she may have been placed in her position “for such a time as this.”

Esther organized a series of banquets for the king and Haman. During the second banquet, she revealed her Jewish identity and pleaded with the king to spare her people. King Xerxes, unaware of the decree, was enraged at the threat to Esther’s life and ordered Haman’s execution.

The king granted Esther and Mordecai the authority to issue a counter-decree allowing the Jews to defend themselves against those who sought to harm them. On the appointed day, the Jews successfully defended themselves against their enemies.

The Jewish victory over their enemies is commemorated annually in the festival of Purim. The Book of Esther concludes by recording the institution of Purim as a festival of remembrance.

The story of Esther is seen as a narrative of divine providence, courage, and the triumph of good over evil. Esther’s willingness to risk her life for her people and the subsequent intervention of God to thwart Haman’s plot highlight themes of faith, courage, and the mysterious ways in which God works to protect His people. The festival of Purim celebrates these events and emphasizes the importance of remembering God’s deliverance.


The story of esther saving the jews – एस्तेर द्वारा यहूदियों को बचाने की कहानी

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