Bible Stories

The story of esau terrible mistake – एसाव की भयानक गलती की कहानी

In the ancient times of the Old Testament, Isaac and Rebekah were the parents of two very different twin boys: Esau and Jacob. Esau, the older of the two, was a skilled hunter and a man of the field, while Jacob was a quiet man who preferred staying at home.

Esau was Isaac’s favorite because he enjoyed the wild game Esau hunted. Jacob, on the other hand, was Rebekah’s favorite. Despite their differences, the brothers lived together in their family’s camp, following the traditions and customs of their people.

One day, after an exhausting hunt, Esau returned home famished. He found Jacob cooking a pot of red lentil stew. The savory aroma was irresistible, and Esau felt his hunger pangs intensify. He approached Jacob and said, “Let me eat some of that red stew, for I am exhausted.”

Jacob saw an opportunity in his brother’s desperation. He replied, “First, sell me your birthright.” In those times, the birthright was a significant privilege. It entitled the firstborn son to a double portion of the inheritance and the leadership of the family upon the father’s death.

Esau, overwhelmed by his immediate physical hunger and not considering the long-term consequences, responded impulsively, “I am about to die; of what use is a birthright to me?”

Jacob insisted, “Swear to me first.” Esau, driven by his ravenous hunger, swore an oath to Jacob, thus selling his birthright for a simple meal of bread and lentil stew.

Esau’s decision would have lasting repercussions. He gave up his future inheritance and the blessings meant for the firstborn son for a momentary satisfaction. This act demonstrated his disregard for the sacred value of his birthright.

Later, when Isaac was old and nearly blind, he wished to bless Esau before he died. Rebekah, overhearing this, helped Jacob deceive Isaac by disguising him as Esau. Jacob received the blessing intended for Esau, solidifying his claim to the birthright.

When Esau discovered what had happened, he was devastated and begged his father for a blessing. Isaac, grieved, could only offer him a lesser blessing, telling Esau that he would live by the sword and serve his brother but eventually break free.

Esau’s terrible mistake of trading his birthright for a meal taught a timeless lesson: the importance of valuing long-term blessings over immediate gratification. His story serves as a reminder to consider the consequences of our choices and to cherish the gifts and responsibilities bestowed upon us.

This retelling highlights the key elements of Esau’s mistake and its consequences, conveying the moral and the significance of the story.


The story of esau terrible mistake – एसाव की भयानक गलती की कहानी

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