Bible Stories

The story of elisha’s death – एलीशा की मौत की कहानी

In the later years of Elisha’s life, King Jehoash of Israel visited him. Elisha was lying on his deathbed due to illness. The king was deeply saddened by the impending loss of the prophet, as he had witnessed Elisha’s powerful ministry and guidance.

As a gesture of respect and acknowledgment of Elisha’s authority as a prophet, King Jehoash took hold of Elisha’s hands and exclaimed, “My father, my father! The chariots and horsemen of Israel!” This was an expression of his recognition of Elisha’s importance in protecting and guiding the nation of Israel.

Elisha then instructed the king to take a bow and some arrows. He placed his hands on the king’s hands and told him to open the east window. Elisha then told the king to shoot an arrow toward the east. The king followed the prophet’s instructions, and Elisha proclaimed that this symbolized the Lord’s victory over the Arameans, Israel’s enemies.

Next, Elisha instructed the king to take the arrows and strike the ground. The king took the arrows and struck the ground three times before stopping. Elisha was displeased with the king’s action and told him that by stopping after three strikes, he limited the full extent of the victory over the Arameans. Elisha prophesied that Jehoash would only experience three victories over the Arameans, indicating that Israel’s success in battle would be limited.

Following this encounter, Elisha passed away and was buried. In the years that followed, the Arameans continued to oppress Israel. However, even after his death, Elisha’s influence and his messages of faith and obedience lived on.

The story of Elisha’s death highlights his significance as a prophet in Israel and the impact of his prophetic ministry. It also emphasizes the importance of obedience and following the guidance of God’s appointed prophets.


The story of elisha’s death – एलीशा की मौत की कहानी

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