Bible Stories

The story of elisha healing naaman – एलीशा द्वारा नामान को ठीक करने की कहानी

The story of Elisha healing Naaman is found in the Old Testament, specifically in the Second Book of Kings, chapter 5. Here is a summary of the story:

Naaman, a commander of the army of the king of Aram (Syria), was a valiant and respected man. However, he had leprosy, a skin disease considered incurable at the time. A young Israelite girl, who had been captured and served Naaman’s wife, told her mistress about the prophet Elisha in Samaria, who she believed could cure Naaman’s leprosy.

Upon hearing this, Naaman went to his king, who sent a letter to the king of Israel, along with gifts, seeking a cure for Naaman’s leprosy. The king of Israel was troubled and thought that the king of Aram was trying to pick a quarrel with him, as he could not cure leprosy. Elisha, learning about the situation, sent a message to the king, asking him to send Naaman to him.

Naaman arrived at Elisha’s house with his horses and chariots, expecting a grand spectacle. However, Elisha did not come out to meet him; instead, he sent a messenger instructing Naaman to go and wash seven times in the Jordan River. Naaman was initially angered by the simplicity of the command, expecting something more dramatic. Nevertheless, his servants persuaded him to follow Elisha’s instructions.

When Naaman washed in the Jordan River as instructed, his flesh was restored like that of a young boy, and he was healed of his leprosy. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Naaman returned to Elisha, acknowledging the God of Israel as the true God, and he offered gifts to Elisha. However, Elisha refused the gifts, emphasizing that the healing was the work of the Lord.

The story of Elisha healing Naaman highlights themes of faith, humility, and the power of God to heal even the most seemingly incurable conditions. It also emphasizes that God’s ways are not always what humans expect, and healing can come through simple obedience to divine commands.


The story of elisha healing naaman – एलीशा द्वारा नामान को ठीक करने की कहानी

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