Bible Stories

The story of elisha and the lord’s army – एलीशा और प्रभु की सेना की कहानी

The story of Elisha and the Lord’s Army is a fascinating account from the Bible, specifically found in 2 Kings 6:8-23. This narrative highlights the power of God’s protection and the spiritual insight of the prophet Elisha. 

A prophet in Israel, Elisha was the successor of Elijah and was known for his miracles and his role as a leader and protector of the Israelites.

During this time, the kingdom of Aram (or Syria) was at war with Israel. The Aramean king was frustrated because his plans were continually thwarted, suspecting a traitor among his men. It was revealed that Elisha, the prophet, was informing the King of Israel about the Aramean king’s plans, as God was revealing these to Elisha.

Upon learning about Elisha’s role, the Aramean king sent a great army with horses and chariots to capture Elisha. They arrived at night and surrounded the city of Dothan, where Elisha was staying. The next morning, Elisha’s servant saw the army and was afraid. He asked Elisha what they would do.

Elisha prayed that the Lord would open the servant’s eyes. When God answered this prayer, the servant saw that the hills around Dothan were filled with horses and chariots of fire – the Lord’s army protecting Elisha. Elisha then prayed for the Aramean troops to become blind, and God answered his prayer. Elisha then led the blind Aramean army to Samaria (the capital of Israel).

Once they were in Samaria, Elisha prayed for their eyes to be opened. The king of Israel saw the captured troops and asked Elisha if he should kill them. Elisha advised against it, arguing they were prisoners of war and should be treated well. Instead, he told the king to give them food and water and then send them back to their master. The king prepared a great feast for them, and after they ate and drank, he released them.

The bands from Aram stopped raiding Israel’s territory for a period after this incident. The story underscores the theme of spiritual insight versus physical sight. Elisha’s servant could only see the physical threat, while Elisha saw God’s spiritual protection. It illustrates God’s power to protect and provide for those who trust in Him. The way Elisha treated his enemies serves as a lesson in mercy and compassion.

This story from the life of Elisha is often cited for its dramatic portrayal of God’s invisible protection and the power of faith and prayer.


The story of elisha and the lord’s army – एलीशा और प्रभु की सेना की कहानी

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