Bible Stories

The story of elijah being fed by ravens – एलिय्याह को कौवों द्वारा भोजन खिलाये जाने की कहानी

The story of Elijah being fed by ravens is a well-known episode from the Bible, specifically from the First Book of Kings in the Old Testament. It illustrates God’s miraculous provision for the prophet Elijah during a time of drought and famine.

The story takes place during the reign of King Ahab in the northern kingdom of Israel. At this time, the land was plagued by a severe drought and famine, which were believed to be a consequence of the people’s disobedience and idolatry.

Elijah, a prophet of the Lord, had delivered a prophecy to King Ahab, announcing the drought as a divine judgment. Elijah declared that there would be no rain in the land for several years until he prayed for it to end.

Following his prophecy, Elijah was instructed by God to go into hiding near the Brook Cherith, east of the Jordan River. There, he would be safe from King Ahab’s attempts to capture and kill him.

While dwelling by the Brook Cherith, Elijah faced the challenge of obtaining food and water in the midst of the drought. In a remarkable display of God’s provision, ravens were sent by God to bring him bread and meat every morning and evening. The ravens would miraculously deliver the food to Elijah.

Elijah relied on the food brought by the ravens and drank from the water in the brook. God’s miraculous provision sustained him throughout this difficult period.

The drought, as prophesied by Elijah, continued for some time, causing widespread suffering and hardship throughout the land.

After spending time by the Brook Cherith, Elijah received further instructions from God. He was directed to go to Zarephath, a city in Sidon, where he would be cared for by a widow and her son. There, God continued to provide for him and performed another miracle by multiplying their meager supply of flour and oil.

The story of Elijah being fed by ravens is a testament to God’s faithfulness in providing for His servants in times of need. It also highlights the extraordinary nature of God’s intervention and care for those who trust in Him, even in the most challenging circumstances. Elijah’s experiences during this period were significant in establishing his reputation as a powerful prophet of God.


The story of elijah being fed by ravens –

एलिय्याह को कौवों द्वारा भोजन खिलाये जाने की कहानी

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