Bible Stories

The story of dorcas being raised from the dead – डोरकास के मृतकों में से जीवित होने की कहानी

The story of Dorcas being raised from the dead is a miraculous event recorded in the New Testament of the Bible, in the Book of Acts, specifically in Acts 9:36-42. 

Dorcas, also known as Tabitha, was a woman living in the coastal city of Joppa, which is now part of modern-day Israel. She was a devout Christian known for her acts of charity and kindness. She was a skilled seamstress and made garments for the widows in her community.

One day, Dorcas fell ill and died. Her death deeply grieved the local Christian community in Joppa, as she had been a source of assistance and comfort for many people in need.

The believers in Joppa, upon hearing that the Apostle Peter was in a nearby town called Lydda, sent two men to bring him to Joppa. They implored Peter to come quickly.

Upon his arrival in Joppa, Peter went to the room where Dorcas’ body was laid out. He knelt down and prayed, seeking divine intervention. Then, he turned to the dead body and said, “Tabitha, get up.” Miraculously, Dorcas opened her eyes, sat up, and was alive once more.

The news of Dorcas being raised from the dead spread throughout Joppa, and many people, particularly the widows and other beneficiaries of her charity, were overjoyed and amazed at the miraculous event. This extraordinary act of God strengthened the faith of the believers in Joppa.

The revival of Dorcas had a profound impact on the Christian community in Joppa and the surrounding region. It served as a testimony to the power of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit among believers. Dorcas continued her charitable work, and her story became a powerful witness to the Christian faith.

This story is significant in the New Testament because it demonstrates the power of prayer and God’s ability to bring the dead back to life. It also highlights the importance of compassion, charity, and service to others within the Christian community. The revival of Dorcas serves as a powerful example of how faith and good works can bring about miraculous outcomes.


The story of dorcas being raised from the dead – डोरकास के मृतकों में से जीवित होने की कहानी

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