Bible Stories

The story of deborah the prophetess – भविष्यवक्ता दबोरा की कहानी

The story of Deborah the Prophetess is found in the biblical book of Judges, chapters 4 and 5. Deborah was a significant figure in ancient Israel, serving as a judge, prophetess, and military leader.

During the time of Deborah, the Israelites were oppressed by King Jabin of Canaan, whose commander was Sisera. The Israelites cried out to God for deliverance, and God raised up Deborah to lead them.

Deborah held court under a palm tree in the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites sought her wisdom and judgment. She summoned Barak, a military leader from the tribe of Naphtali, and instructed him to gather an army and confront Sisera’s forces.

Barak was hesitant to go into battle without Deborah accompanying him, so she agreed to go with him. However, Deborah prophesied that the honor of victory would not be his but would go to a woman.

Barak assembled an army of ten thousand men, and they marched against Sisera’s army. Deborah’s presence and leadership inspired the Israelites, and they won a decisive victory over their oppressors. Sisera fled the battlefield and sought refuge in the tent of a woman named Jael.

Jael welcomed Sisera into her tent, offering him milk to drink and covering him with a blanket. However, when Sisera fell asleep, Jael drove a tent peg through his temple, killing him. When Barak arrived in pursuit of Sisera, Jael showed him the dead commander, fulfilling Deborah’s prophecy.

Following their victory, Deborah and Barak sang a song of praise to God, celebrating their deliverance and recounting the events of the battle. Deborah’s leadership and courage played a crucial role in the liberation of Israel from oppression.

The story of Deborah highlights the importance of faith, courage, and obedience to God’s call. She was a woman of remarkable strength and wisdom, chosen by God to lead His people in a time of crisis.


The story of deborah the prophetess – भविष्यवक्ता दबोरा की कहानी

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