Bible Stories

The story of david’s anointing and his encounter with goliath – डेविड के अभिषेक और गोलियत के साथ उसकी मुठभेड़ की कहानी

The story of David’s anointing and his encounter with Goliath is one of the most famous and celebrated accounts in the Bible, found in the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel, chapters 16 and 17. 

The story begins with the prophet Samuel being sent by God to anoint the next king of Israel from among the sons of Jesse of Bethlehem. Jesse presents seven of his sons before Samuel, but none of them are chosen by God. Finally, Samuel asks if there are any more sons, and Jesse reveals that his youngest son, David, is tending the sheep.

Samuel asks to see David, and when he arrives, God confirms to Samuel that David is the chosen one. Samuel anoints David with oil in the presence of his family, signifying God’s selection of him as the future king of Israel.

The next significant event involving David occurs when the Israelites are engaged in battle against the Philistines. The Philistine army, led by their champion warrior Goliath, challenges the Israelites to send out a champion to fight him in single combat.

Goliath is described as a giant, standing over nine feet tall, and heavily armed. The Israelite army, including King Saul, is terrified and unable to find anyone willing to face Goliath.

David, who is still a young shepherd boy at this time, arrives at the Israelite camp to deliver food to his brothers who are soldiers. Upon hearing Goliath’s taunts and insults against the God of Israel, David becomes indignant and volunteers to fight Goliath.

King Saul is initially skeptical but eventually agrees to let David face Goliath. Despite Saul’s offer to provide armor and weapons, David chooses to go into battle with just his staff, sling, and five smooth stones from the brook.

As Goliath approaches, David runs toward him, slings a stone at his forehead, and strikes him down, killing him instantly. David then takes Goliath’s sword and beheads him.

The Philistines, seeing their champion defeated, flee in fear, and the Israelites pursue them in victory. David’s bravery and faith in God are celebrated throughout Israel, and he begins to gain fame and favor in the kingdom.

This story illustrates themes of faith, courage, and the unexpected ways in which God chooses and uses ordinary individuals to accomplish His purposes. David’s victory over Goliath is seen as a pivotal moment in his life and in the history of Israel, foreshadowing his eventual rise to become the greatest king in Israel’s history.


The story of david’s anointing and his encounter with goliath –

डेविड के अभिषेक और गोलियत के साथ उसकी मुठभेड़ की कहानी

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