Bible Stories

The story of david takes saul’s spear – डेविड द्वारा शाऊल का भाला लेने की कहानी

The story of “David Takes Saul’s Spear” is a powerful narrative from the Bible that highlights David’s restraint, respect for God’s anointed king, and his faith in God’s justice. This story is found in 1 Samuel 26.

David was anointed to be the future king of Israel by the prophet Samuel, but at this time, Saul was still the reigning king. Saul became jealous of David and saw him as a threat to his throne, leading him to relentlessly pursue David to kill him.

Once again, Saul was chasing David in the wilderness. Saul camped on the hill of Hachilah with his army. David sent out scouts to locate Saul’s camp. He then approached the camp at night with Abishai, one of his loyal followers.

David and Abishai found Saul’s camp. They saw Saul sleeping inside the camp, with his spear stuck in the ground near his head, and Abner and the soldiers lying around him. Abishai whispered to David, suggesting that this was a God-given opportunity to kill Saul. He offered to strike Saul with the spear, ensuring he would not need to strike him twice.

David refused, saying that no one should harm the Lord’s anointed. He argued that it was not their place to kill Saul and that the Lord himself would deal with Saul, either through natural death or in battle. Instead of killing Saul, David took Saul’s spear and the water jug that were near Saul’s head as evidence that he had been close enough to kill him but chose not to.

David and Abishai left the camp without waking anyone, as the Lord had caused a deep sleep to fall upon them. From a safe distance, David called out to the camp, specifically addressing Abner, Saul’s commander. He chided Abner for failing to protect his king and held up the spear and water jug as proof. Saul recognized David’s voice and asked if it was him. David responded affirmatively and questioned Saul’s pursuit of him, asserting his innocence and loyalty. Saul was moved once again by David’s actions. He admitted his sin and acknowledged that David had spared his life. Saul blessed David and predicted his success, asking him to show kindness to his family when he became king.

David’s refusal to harm Saul, despite having the perfect opportunity, underscores his deep respect for God’s anointed and for God’s authority. David demonstrated his faith in God’s timing and justice, choosing not to take matters into his own hands. By taking Saul’s spear and water jug instead of his life, David showed mercy and upheld his integrity.

This story is a testament to David’s character and his unwavering faith in God. It highlights the virtues of mercy, patience, and respect for divine authority, serving as a moral and spiritual lesson for readers.


The story of david takes saul’s spear – डेविड द्वारा शाऊल का भाला लेने की कहानी

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