Bible Stories

The story of david sin with bathsheba – दाऊद और बतशेबा के बीच पाप की कहानी

In the later years of King David’s reign, after his many victories and accomplishments, a fateful event unfolded that would mark a dark chapter in his life. It was the springtime, the season when kings usually went out to war. However, this time, David stayed behind in Jerusalem while his army, under the command of Joab, fought against the Ammonites.

One evening, as David walked on the roof of his palace, he saw a woman of striking beauty bathing. Her name was Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, a loyal soldier in David’s army. Despite knowing she was married, David was captivated by her. He sent messengers to bring her to him, and that night, David and Bathsheba committed adultery.

Soon after, Bathsheba sent word to David that she was pregnant. In a panic, David sought to cover up his sin. He summoned Uriah back from the battlefield, hoping that Uriah would go home, be with his wife, and thus, the child would appear to be Uriah’s. But Uriah, being a man of great integrity, refused to enjoy the comforts of home while his fellow soldiers were still fighting. He slept at the entrance of the king’s palace, refusing to go to his house.

Frustrated by this, David devised a more sinister plan. He sent Uriah back to the battlefield with a sealed letter to Joab, instructing him to place Uriah in the front lines where the fighting was fiercest, then withdraw, leaving Uriah exposed. Joab followed the orders, and Uriah was killed in battle.

After Bathsheba mourned the death of her husband, David took her as his wife, and she bore him a son. To the outside world, David’s actions seemed honorable—caring for a widow of a fallen soldier—but God saw everything, and He was displeased.

The Lord sent the prophet Nathan to confront David. Nathan told David a parable about a rich man who had many sheep and a poor man who had only one lamb, which he loved dearly. When a traveler came to the rich man, instead of taking one of his own sheep to prepare a meal, the rich man took the poor man’s lamb and killed it. Upon hearing this, David was outraged and declared that the rich man deserved to die for such an injustice.

Nathan then turned to David and said, “You are that man!” He revealed how David had sinned by taking Uriah’s wife and having him killed. Nathan also prophesied that because of David’s sin, his household would face turmoil, and the child born to Bathsheba would die.

David was struck with guilt and remorse. He immediately confessed his sin, saying, “I have sinned against the Lord.” Nathan assured David that God had forgiven him, but the consequences of his actions would still follow. As prophesied, the child born to Bathsheba became gravely ill and died despite David’s prayers and fasting.

David grieved deeply but eventually found solace in God’s mercy. Afterward, David and Bathsheba had another son, Solomon, who would later become one of Israel’s greatest kings. Despite David’s grievous sin, his genuine repentance allowed him to continue his relationship with God, but the repercussions of his choices left lasting scars on his family.

David’s story with Bathsheba teaches that even the most faithful can fall into sin, but genuine repentance can restore one’s relationship with God. However, sin often carries painful consequences, even when forgiveness is granted.


The story of david sin with bathsheba – दाऊद और बतशेबा के बीच पाप की कहानी

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