Bible Stories

The story of david great sin – दाऊद के महान पाप की कहानी

King David, the revered ruler of Israel, known for his heart after God and his remarkable victories, was a man of great faith and strength. However, even the mightiest of men are not immune to temptation and the consequences of their choices. David’s great sin, which began with a moment of weakness, serves as a sobering reminder of human frailty and the need for repentance.

One evening, as David walked on the roof of his palace, his eyes fell upon a beautiful woman bathing. Her name was Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, one of David’s loyal soldiers. Instead of turning away, David allowed lust to consume him. He sent for Bathsheba, and despite knowing she was married, he committed adultery with her.

Soon after, Bathsheba sent word to David that she was pregnant. Fearful of the scandal that would arise, David sought to cover up his sin. He summoned Uriah back from the battlefield, hoping he would spend time with his wife, and the child would be assumed to be Uriah’s. However, Uriah, out of loyalty to his fellow soldiers who were still in battle, refused to go home, choosing instead to sleep at the entrance of the palace with the servants.

David’s plan had failed, and in desperation, he resorted to a more sinister scheme. He sent Uriah back to the battlefield with a letter to his commander, Joab. The letter contained instructions to place Uriah in the front lines of the fiercest battle and then withdraw the troops, leaving him vulnerable. Joab obeyed, and Uriah was killed in battle.

After Uriah’s death, David took Bathsheba as his wife, and she bore him a son. It seemed that David had successfully hidden his sin from the world, but God saw everything. The prophet Nathan was sent by God to confront David.

Nathan approached David with a parable: “There were two men in a city, one rich and the other poor. The rich man had many flocks and herds, while the poor man had nothing but one little ewe lamb, which he had bought and nourished. The lamb grew up with him and his children, eating from his plate and drinking from his cup; it was like a daughter to him. But one day, a traveler came to the rich man, and instead of taking from his own flock, the rich man took the poor man’s lamb and prepared it for his guest.”

David, hearing this story, was outraged. He declared that the rich man deserved to die for his cruelty and should repay the poor man four times over. It was then that Nathan revealed the truth: “You are the man! God anointed you king over Israel and delivered you from the hand of Saul. He gave you everything, yet you took Uriah’s wife and had him killed.”

David was struck with guilt and realized the gravity of his sin. He confessed, “I have sinned against the Lord.” Nathan told David that while God had forgiven him, there would still be severe consequences for his actions. The child born to Bathsheba would die, and turmoil would plague David’s household.

David’s repentance was genuine, and he penned Psalm 51, a heartfelt plea for God’s mercy and forgiveness. Though the consequences of his sin were painful, David’s relationship with God was eventually restored. Bathsheba later bore David another son, Solomon, who would become one of Israel’s greatest kings.

David’s great sin is a powerful story of temptation, failure, and redemption. It teaches that no one, not even a king, is beyond the reach of sin, but also that God’s grace is available to those who truly repent.


The story of david great sin – दाऊद के महान पाप की कहानी

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