Bible Stories

The story of david fighting his son – डेविड की अपने बेटे से लड़ने की कहानी

The story of David fighting his son, Absalom, is a dramatic and tragic narrative found in the Second Book of Samuel (chapters 13-18). This account details the rebellion of Absalom against his father, King David, and the resulting conflict.

King David, the second king of Israel, had many children by several wives. Among them was Absalom, known for his striking appearance and charisma.

Absalom had a sister named Tamar, who was raped by their half-brother Amnon. David was furious but did not punish Amnon. Absalom, enraged by the violation of his sister and David’s inaction, eventually murdered Amnon and fled to his maternal grandfather’s kingdom in Geshur.

After three years, David allowed Absalom to return to Jerusalem but did not see him for another two years. When they finally reconciled, Absalom began to plot his rebellion.

Absalom positioned himself at the city gate and dispensed judgments to those who came for justice, thereby winning the hearts of the Israelites. He presented himself as a better alternative to David, whom he portrayed as disconnected from the people’s needs.

Absalom declared himself king in Hebron, an act that was supported by many, including some of David’s key advisors.

Hearing of Absalom’s actions, David decided to flee Jerusalem to avoid confrontation and bloodshed within the city. He left with his loyal followers and the Ark of the Covenant.

David’s forces regrouped and planned their strategy. David wanted to lead his troops personally, but his men persuaded him to stay behind for the sake of morale and safety.

The decisive battle took place in the forest of Ephraim. David’s forces, commanded by Joab, Abishai, and Ittai, fought against Absalom’s army.

During the battle, Absalom’s mule passed under the thick branches of a great oak tree, and his head got caught in the branches, leaving him hanging. Joab, despite David’s instructions to deal gently with Absalom, killed him by thrusting three javelins into his heart.

When David heard of Absalom’s death, he was overcome with grief. He cried out, “O my son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom! If only I had died instead of you—O Absalom, my son, my son!”

Joab rebuked David for mourning over Absalom instead of celebrating the victory and the loyalty of his troops. He warned David that his grief could demoralize his men and jeopardize his reign.

Despite his personal sorrow, David resumed his role as king and returned to Jerusalem, reestablishing his authority over Israel.

The story highlights the complexities of parental love and discipline. David’s failure to discipline his children appropriately led to family strife and national turmoil.

The narrative also reflects the consequences of David’s earlier sins, particularly his adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband, Uriah. The prophet Nathan had foretold that David’s house would be plagued by violence and rebellion.

The story contrasts the loyalty of David’s followers with the betrayal by Absalom. It underscores the importance of wise leadership and the devastating effects of betrayal and rebellion.

This story is a poignant reminder of the personal and political challenges faced by King David, illustrating the enduring themes of love, betrayal, leadership, and the consequences of sin.


The story of david fighting his son – डेविड की अपने बेटे से लड़ने की कहानी

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