Bible Stories

The story of david being chosen by god – दाऊद को परमेश्वर द्वारा चुने जाने की कहानी

The story of David being chosen by God is recounted in the Old Testament of the Bible, particularly in the Book of 1 Samuel, chapters 16 and 17. 

During the time of the Israelite monarchy, King Saul had disobeyed God’s commands, leading to God’s rejection of him as king. As a result, God instructed the prophet Samuel to anoint a new king from among the sons of Jesse of Bethlehem.

Samuel arrives in Bethlehem and asks Jesse to present his sons so that he can anoint one of them as the future king. Jesse presents his eldest son, Eliab, who appears to be strong and impressive. However, God informs Samuel that He does not look at outward appearances but at the heart.

Jesse then brings his other sons before Samuel, but none of them is chosen by God. When Samuel inquires if there are any more sons, Jesse mentions that his youngest son David is tending the sheep. Samuel requests that David be brought before him, and when David arrives, God instructs Samuel to anoint him as the future king of Israel.

As Samuel anoints David with oil, the Spirit of the Lord comes upon David in power, signifying God’s special favor and divine election upon him.

Following his anointing, David returns to tending his father’s sheep, but the Spirit of the Lord is with him. He gains favor with both God and man, and his courage and faithfulness are tested and proven when he defends his father’s flock from wild animals.

David’s anointing as king is further affirmed when he confronts and defeats the Philistine champion Goliath, a towering warrior who had been taunting and challenging the Israelites. David’s victory over Goliath demonstrates his faith in God’s power and marks the beginning of his rise to prominence and eventual kingship.

The story of David being chosen by God illustrates God’s sovereignty in selecting His servants based on their hearts and character rather than their outward appearance or worldly status. It also highlights David’s humble beginnings and his remarkable journey from shepherd boy to the renowned king of Israel, guided and empowered by God’s Spirit.


The story of david being chosen by god – दाऊद को परमेश्वर द्वारा चुने जाने की कहानी

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