Bible Stories

The story of david being anointed king – दाऊद के अभिषिक्त राजा बनने की कहानी

The story of David being anointed king of Israel is a significant event in biblical history, found in the Old Testament.

Before David’s anointing, King Saul ruled over Israel. However, Saul disobeyed God’s commands, leading to God’s rejection of him as king. In search of a new king, God sent the prophet Samuel to the house of Jesse in Bethlehem.

Upon arrival, Samuel asked Jesse to present his sons. When Samuel saw Jesse’s eldest son, Eliab, he thought he was the one chosen by God due to his impressive appearance. However, God revealed to Samuel that He looks at the heart, not outward appearances. Jesse then presented his other sons, but none of them were chosen by God.

When Samuel asked if there were any other sons, Jesse mentioned David, the youngest, who was tending sheep. Samuel requested David be brought before him. When David arrived, God confirmed to Samuel that David was the chosen one. Samuel then anointed David with oil in the presence of his family, signifying his selection as the future king of Israel.

Following the anointing, the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power. From that day forward, David was destined for greatness, although he would face numerous challenges and trials before eventually ascending to the throne.

Despite being anointed king, David did not immediately assume the throne. He continued to serve Saul and gained renown for his bravery and leadership, particularly after his victory over Goliath. Eventually, after Saul’s death, David became king and established the line of the Davidic monarchy, which held significant importance in Israelite history.

This event marked the beginning of David’s journey from shepherd boy to renowned king, highlighting God’s sovereignty in selecting leaders and His faithfulness to His chosen people. David’s anointing served as a pivotal moment in biblical history, shaping the course of Israel and laying the foundation for the monarchy.


The story of david being anointed king – दाऊद के अभिषिक्त राजा बनने की कहानी

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