Bible Stories

The story of david becoming king over israel – दाऊद के इस्राएल पर राजा बनने की कहानी

The story of David becoming king over Israel is a significant narrative found in the Old Testament of the Bible, particularly in the Books of Samuel. The story begins with the prophet Samuel being sent by God to anoint a new king from the sons of Jesse of Bethlehem. Jesse presents seven of his sons to Samuel, but none of them is chosen by God. When David, the youngest son and a shepherd, is brought in from the fields, God tells Samuel to anoint him, signaling that David is the chosen one.

David gains fame when he defeats the Philistine giant Goliath with just a sling and a stone. This victory increases David’s popularity and favor with the people.

David’s success and growing popularity lead to Saul’s jealousy and fear. Saul, the current king of Israel, attempts to kill David several times, forcing David to flee and live as a fugitive.

During his time as a fugitive, David gathers a group of loyal followers, and he becomes a skillful and strategic leader. Despite Saul’s pursuit, David spares Saul’s life on two occasions, demonstrating his respect for the king.

In a battle against the Philistines, Saul and his sons, including Jonathan, are killed. This event marks the end of Saul’s reign as king.

After Saul’s death, David is anointed as king over the tribe of Judah. However, Saul’s son Ish-bosheth continues to rule over the other tribes of Israel.

After a period of conflict and negotiations, Ish-bosheth is assassinated, and the elders of Israel come to David, inviting him to be their king. David is anointed king over all Israel, uniting the northern and southern tribes.

David captures the city of Jerusalem and makes it the capital of his kingdom, known as the City of David.

The story of David becoming king over Israel highlights themes of divine selection, courage, loyalty, and God’s faithfulness. It also lays the foundation for the establishment of the Davidic dynasty, which holds a significant place in biblical history.


The story of david becoming king over israel – दाऊद के इस्राएल पर राजा बनने की कहानी

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