Bible Stories

The story of daniel in the lion den – लायन डेन में डेनियल की कहानी

The story of Daniel in the Lions’ Den is a well-known biblical narrative found in the Book of Daniel, chapter 6. 

Daniel was a Jewish exile in Babylon during the reign of King Darius. Despite his foreign surroundings, he remained faithful to his God and excelled in wisdom and integrity, gaining favor with both King Darius and his predecessors.

Daniel’s integrity and success aroused jealousy among the other high officials and administrators in the kingdom. They sought to find fault with him but could not, as he was trustworthy and diligent in his duties.

Knowing they could not discredit Daniel through his work, the officials conspired to trap him through his faith. They convinced King Darius to issue a decree forbidding anyone from praying to any god or human except the king for 30 days. Violators would be thrown into a den of lions.

Despite the decree, Daniel continued to pray to his God three times a day, as was his custom, with his windows open facing Jerusalem. The conspirators caught Daniel in the act and reported him to the king.

King Darius, who valued Daniel, was distressed when he learned of the trap. Despite his efforts to save Daniel, he had no choice but to enforce the decree. Reluctantly, he ordered Daniel to be thrown into the lions’ den, saying, “May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you.”

That night, King Darius was unable to sleep and spent the night fasting. Early the next morning, he rushed to the lions’ den and called out to Daniel. To his relief and amazement, Daniel responded that his God had sent an angel to shut the mouths of the lions. Daniel emerged unharmed.

King Darius, recognizing the power of Daniel’s God, issued a decree proclaiming the greatness of the God of Daniel throughout his kingdom. He also ordered that those who had conspired against Daniel be thrown into the lions’ den, where they were devoured by the lions.

Daniel’s faithfulness and miraculous deliverance led to his continued promotion and influence in the kingdom under King Darius.

The story of Daniel in the Lions’ Den is often interpreted as a testament to the power of faith, divine protection, and God’s sovereignty over human affairs. It serves as an inspiring example of unwavering devotion and trust in God even in the face of great danger.


The story of daniel in the lion den – लायन डेन में डेनियल की कहानी

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