Bible Stories

The Story Of Creation Bible –

The Story Of Creation Bible


In this post, we are sharing the story of the origin of the creation described in the Bible (The Story of Creation Bible In Hindi). This is the story of The 7 Days of Creation made by God in 7 days, in which God created everything in the universe for 6 days and rested on the seventh day. The story of each day is described here

The Story Of Creation Bible

First, God created heaven and the earth. At that time, the earth was deserted and dark. The soul of God roamed in the infinite ocean.

Day 1 : Origin of Day and Night

God said, “Let the light be” and the light is gone. God liked the light. He separated light and darkness. He named prakash ‘din’ and darkness as ‘night’. It was evening and then it was dawn. It was the first day.

Day 2 : The Origin of the Sky


God said, “Let there be a roof between the water that separates the water from the water.” And that is what happened. A roof was formed, separating the water below and the water above. God named the roof ‘Akash’. It was good to God. It was evening and then it was dawn. It was the second day.

Day 3 : The Origin of Earth, Sea and Greenery


God said, “The water under the sky should accumulate at one place and the land began to appear.” That is what happened. The land was named ‘Prithvi’ by God and the water group was named “Sea”. It was good to God.

God said, “The greenery on the earth flourished. Grow seedy plants and fruit trees that produce seedy fruits. That’s what happened. The earth became green with a variety of vegetation. Seedy plants and fruit trees began to grow. God liked it. It was evening and then it was dawn. This is the third

Day 4 : Origin of Constellations

God said, “There should be constellations in the sky so that day and night are separated. Let them count the day and the month, the festival should be fixed. Let them shine in the sky and illuminate the earth.”

That’s what happened. Two major constellations were created by God: one big for the day and one small for the night. With this, they also made stars. All these constellations were placed in the sky so that they could light up the earth. At the same time, you can separate light and darkness. Day and night can be controlled by them.

This God It was good to God. It was evening and then it was dawn. It was the fourth day.

Day 5 : Origin of Aquatic Animals and Birds


God said, “Let the water be filled with animals. Birds start flying in the sky.” God created other types of aquatic animals. They created a variety of birds.

It liked them. They blessed all aquatic animals and birds, “Flourish! Fill the sea water. Let the number of birds on earth increase.”
It was evening and then it was dawn. It was the fifth day.

6th Day : Origin of Thali animals and men and women


God said, “May the earth be filled with a variety of animals, such as wild, domesticated, earth-crawling creatures.”

And that’s what happened. The earth was filled with wild, domesticated, earth-crawling, and no-type animals. It was good to God.

Then God said, “Man should be my replica. He should rule over aquatic animals, birds flying in the sky, and on the ground- crawling, wild and domesticated animals.”

lord God created men and women and blessed them, “Flourish! Spread all over the earth and subjugate it. Rule the sea water and the animals of the land, the birds of the sky. I give you all the algeseeds of the earth. They will be your food. I give green plants to all wild animals, to birds flying in the sky, to all living beings roaming on earth. These will be their food.”
And that’s what happened. God saw all the creation he had created and liked it.      

It was evening and then it was dawn. It was the sixth day.

Day 7 : Holy Day


In six days, God completed the creation of the heavens, the earth, and whatever they have. He completed all his work and rested on the seventh day. He blessed this day and considered it sacred because on this day he completed his work and rested.

This is the account of the origin of the sky and the earth.

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