Bible Stories

The story of being shipwrecked on an island – एक द्वीप पर जहाज़ के बर्बाद होने की कहानी

The story of being shipwrecked on an island can be found in the New Testament of the Bible, in the Book of Acts, chapter 27 and 28. 

The apostle Paul, under arrest by Roman authorities, was being transported to Rome to stand trial before Caesar. He was accompanied by other prisoners and was under the custody of a centurion named Julius. They set sail from Caesarea and traveled along the coast of Asia Minor, encountering rough seas and adverse weather conditions.

As they sailed through the Mediterranean Sea, they encountered a severe storm called Euroclydon. The ship was battered by strong winds and waves, and the crew feared for their lives. Despite Paul’s warning not to proceed, the centurion and the ship’s pilot decided to press on. Eventually, the ship ran aground on the island of Malta, where it was wrecked.

Miraculously, all the passengers and crew survived the shipwreck and made it safely to shore. The people of the island showed them unusual kindness, building a fire to warm them in the rain and cold.

As Paul gathered wood for the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, bit him on the hand. The islanders expected Paul to swell up or suddenly fall dead, but he simply shook off the snake and suffered no harm. This incident caused the islanders to regard Paul as a godly man.

Paul and his companions stayed on the island of Malta for three months, during which time Paul healed many of the sick, including Publius, the chief official of the island. The people of Malta honored Paul and his companions with many gifts.

After the winter ended, Paul and his companions resumed their journey to Rome. They boarded another ship from Alexandria that had wintered in Malta. They traveled through Sicily and eventually arrived in Rome.

This account of being shipwrecked on an island illustrates God’s providential care for His servants, even in the midst of perilous circumstances. It also demonstrates Paul’s unwavering faith and his commitment to proclaiming the Gospel, regardless of the obstacles he faced.


The story of being shipwrecked on an island –

एक द्वीप पर जहाज़ के बर्बाद होने की कहानी

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