Bible Stories

The story of balaam and his donkey – बालाम और उसके गधे की कहानी

The story of Balaam and his donkey is a remarkable and often humorous account found in the Book of Numbers in the Bible, specifically in Numbers 22:21-35. It highlights the theme of divine intervention, the importance of obedience to God, and the idea that God can use even the most unexpected means to convey His message.

The Israelites were on their journey through the wilderness, and they had recently defeated some neighboring tribes. Balak, the king of Moab, saw the Israelites as a threat and was fearful of their growing numbers and strength. He sought the help of Balaam, a renowned diviner and prophet, to curse the Israelites.

Balak sent messengers to Balaam with the request that he come and curse the Israelites. Balaam initially refused to go with them, stating that he could only do what God instructed him to do. However, Balak persisted and sent more prestigious messengers with the promise of great rewards.

Balaam decided to go with the messengers, seemingly against God’s will. However, as he journeyed on his donkey, an angel of the Lord stood in the path with a drawn sword, though Balaam was initially unaware of the angel’s presence. The donkey saw the angel and veered off the path into a field, crushing Balaam’s foot against a wall.

Balaam became angry with the donkey and struck it. The donkey continued on the journey but later, in a narrow path between vineyards, saw the angel again and lay down under Balaam. Balaam, now furious, struck the donkey a second time.

The Lord then enabled the donkey to speak, and it asked Balaam why he had beaten it. Balaam, unaware of the divine intervention, replied that it was because the donkey had made a fool of him.

At this point, the Lord opened Balaam’s eyes, and he saw the angel standing in the path with the sword. The angel explained that the donkey had saved Balaam’s life by stopping him from continuing on a path that would have led to his death. The angel instructed Balaam to go with the messengers but to speak only the words that God would put in his mouth.

When Balaam met with Balak, instead of cursing the Israelites as Balak had hoped, he ended up blessing them with words that God had placed in his mouth. Balaam’s blessings for Israel were powerful and positive.

The story of Balaam and his donkey serves as a reminder that God’s will ultimately prevails, even when individuals initially resist or act contrary to it. It underscores the importance of obedience to God’s guidance and the idea that God can use unconventional means to convey His message and accomplish His purposes.


The story of balaam and his donkey – बालाम और उसके गधे की कहानी

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