Bible Stories

The story of ahimelech giving goliath’s sword to david – अहीमेलेक द्वारा दाऊद को गोलियत की तलवार देने की कहानी

The story of Ahimelech giving Goliath’s sword to David is found in the Bible, specifically in the book of 1 Samuel 21:1-9. This event takes place during a time when David is fleeing from King Saul, who is trying to kill him due to jealousy over David’s popularity and military success.

David, on the run from Saul, arrives at the town of Nob, where the tabernacle of the Lord is located. He goes to Ahimelech, the priest, seeking assistance. Ahimelech is initially surprised and a bit suspicious to see David alone, as David was usually accompanied by others when on missions for the king.

David, not wanting to reveal that he is fleeing from Saul, tells Ahimelech that he is on a secret mission for the king. He then asks Ahimelech for food and a weapon since he had to leave so quickly that he didn’t bring his own.

Ahimelech tells David that the only bread available is the holy bread (the showbread), which is normally reserved for the priests. However, Ahimelech agrees to give it to David after confirming that David and his men have kept themselves ritually pure.

When David asks for a weapon, Ahimelech tells him that the only weapon available is the sword of Goliath, the giant Philistine warrior whom David had slain in battle. The sword had been kept in the tabernacle, wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod as a kind of sacred relic. David, recognizing the sword, gladly takes it, saying, “There is none like it.”

This story highlights David’s resourcefulness and the growing tension between him and King Saul. It also shows the reverence that was held for Goliath’s sword, a symbol of David’s earlier victory. However, this encounter with Ahimelech also sets the stage for tragic consequences, as later, Saul learns of Ahimelech’s assistance to David and orders the slaughter of the priests of Nob, accusing them of treason.

This event is a critical moment in David’s life, emphasizing his reliance on God’s provision during his time of need.


The story of ahimelech giving goliath’s sword to david – अहीमेलेक द्वारा दाऊद को गोलियत की तलवार देने की कहानी

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