Bible Stories

The story of abraham preparing to sacrifice isaac – इब्राहीम द्वारा इसहाक का बलिदान देने की तैयारी की कहानी

The story of Abraham preparing to sacrifice Isaac is a significant and dramatic event from the Bible, particularly in the Book of Genesis (Genesis 22:1-19). It is often referred to as the “Binding of Isaac” or the “Akedah.”

God tested Abraham’s faith by commanding him to take his beloved son, Isaac, to a mountain in the land of Moriah and offer him as a burnt offering. This was a deeply challenging and painful command, as Isaac was the son through whom God had promised to bless Abraham with many descendants.

Without hesitation, Abraham obeyed God’s command. He arose early in the morning, gathered wood for the offering, and took Isaac and two young men with him on the journey.

The group traveled for three days to reach the designated place. On the third day, Abraham saw the mountain in the distance.

As they approached the mountain, Isaac noticed that they had the wood and the fire for the sacrifice but asked his father where the lamb for the burnt offering was. Abraham responded that God would provide the lamb.

Upon reaching the mountain, Abraham built an altar and arranged the wood for the sacrifice. Abraham then bound Isaac and placed him on top of the wood on the altar.

Just as Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac, an angel of the Lord called out to him from heaven, telling him not to harm his son. The angel praised Abraham’s faith and told him that God had seen his willingness to obey.

Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught by its horns in a nearby thicket. He took the ram and offered it as a burnt offering instead of his son.

The angel reiterated God’s promise to bless Abraham abundantly for his obedience and faith. God also promised to multiply Abraham’s descendants like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore.

After this profound and challenging test, Abraham and Isaac returned to their servants and journeyed back to their home.

The story of Abraham preparing to sacrifice Isaac is a powerful account of faith, obedience, and God’s testing of human devotion. It underscores the significance of faith and trust in God’s guidance and providence. In many interpretations, it is seen as a foreshadowing of God’s ultimate sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, for the redemption of humanity.


The story of abraham preparing to sacrifice isaac – इब्राहीम द्वारा इसहाक का बलिदान देने की तैयारी की कहानी

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