Bible Stories

The story of abraham lying about sarah in gerar – गेरार में सारा के बारे में अब्राहम द्वारा झूठ बोलने की कहानी

The story of Abraham lying about Sarah in Gerar is found in the Book of Genesis, specifically in Genesis 20.

Abraham, originally named Abram, is the patriarch of the Israelites, and Sarah, originally named Sarai, is his wife. Earlier in Genesis, Abraham had already lied about Sarah being his sister during his time in Egypt (Genesis 12:10-20). This story in Gerar is a second occurrence of a similar situation.

Abraham and Sarah traveled to Gerar, a region ruled by King Abimelech. Fearing for his life due to Sarah’s beauty, Abraham decided to once again claim that Sarah was his sister rather than his wife.

Abraham told the people of Gerar that Sarah was his sister. This deception was motivated by his fear that the men of the city would kill him to take Sarah because of her attractiveness.

Upon hearing Abraham’s claim, King Abimelech took Sarah into his harem, believing she was single and available.

That night, God came to Abimelech in a dream, warning him that he was a dead man because he had taken a married woman. God revealed that Sarah was actually Abraham’s wife.

In the dream, Abimelech protested, arguing that he had acted with integrity and had no idea that Sarah was married. He asked God if he would destroy an innocent nation.

God instructed Abimelech to return Sarah to Abraham and informed him that Abraham was a prophet who would pray for him, and he would live.

The next morning, Abimelech called his servants and informed them of the dream. He then confronted Abraham, asking why he had lied about Sarah and put Abimelech’s kingdom in jeopardy.

Abraham explained that he was afraid for his life and that Sarah was indeed his half-sister (the daughter of his father but not of his mother), which is why he had said she was his sister.

Despite the situation, Abimelech gave Abraham sheep, oxen, and servants, and he restored Sarah to him. He also offered Abraham to settle wherever he wished in his land.

Abraham prayed to God for Abimelech and his household, and God healed Abimelech and his wife, who had been prevented from bearing children because of the situation with Sarah.

The story emphasizes themes of faith, deception, divine protection, and God’s sovereignty. It shows that God intervenes to protect His chosen ones and highlights the importance of honesty and integrity in relationships. The narrative also illustrates how God can use imperfect individuals and situations to fulfill His purposes.


The story of abraham lying about sarah in gerar –

गेरार में सारा के बारे में अब्राहम द्वारा झूठ बोलने की कहानी

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