Bible Stories

The story of abraham deliverance of lot – इब्राहीम द्वारा लूत के उद्धार की कहानी

The story of Abraham’s deliverance of Lot is recounted in the book of Genesis in the Bible. The narrative unfolds during the time when Abraham (initially known as Abram) and his nephew Lot had grown prosperous but faced challenges due to disputes over land and resources. 

Abraham and Lot, both wealthy herdsmen, faced challenges as the land could not support both of their flocks and herds. Strife arose between Abraham’s herdsmen and Lot’s herdsmen due to the competition for resources.

Abraham, seeking to maintain peace within the family, proposed a solution to Lot. He suggested that they part ways and choose separate areas for their flocks.

Lot lifted up his eyes and saw the well-watered Jordan Valley, which was fertile and lush. He chose this region for himself, separating from Abraham.

After Lot’s departure, God spoke to Abraham, reiterating His promise to give the land to Abraham’s descendants.

Subsequently, the narrative shifts to the city of Sodom, where Lot had settled. Sodom was known for its wickedness. Sodom and neighboring cities faced a military invasion, and Lot was captured and taken captive.

Abraham, upon learning of Lot’s capture, gathered a force of 318 trained men from his household.
– With this small army, Abraham pursued the captors, defeated them in a nighttime raid, and rescued Lot along with the other captives.

Following the rescue, Abraham encountered Melchizedek, the king of Salem and a priest of God. Melchizedek blessed Abraham, and Abraham gave him a tithe of the spoils.

Abraham refused to take any of the spoils of war for himself, declaring that he did not want anyone to say they had made him rich except God.

This episode in the life of Abraham and Lot demonstrates Abraham’s generosity, faith in God’s promises, and his willingness to act courageously to rescue his family. It also introduces the mysterious figure of Melchizedek, who plays a significant role in biblical narratives.


The story of abraham deliverance of lot – इब्राहीम द्वारा लूत के उद्धार की कहानी

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