Bible Stories

The story of abigail and david – अबीगैल और डेविड की कहानी

The story of Abigail and David is found in the Old Testament of the Bible, in the book of 1 Samuel, specifically in chapters 25 and 27. 

Abigail was the wife of Nabal, a wealthy but harsh and foolish man who owned extensive livestock in the region of Carmel. When David, who was on the run from King Saul, and his men were in the area, they protected Nabal’s shepherds and flocks from harm.

As a gesture of goodwill, David sent messengers to Nabal requesting provisions for himself and his men. However, Nabal responded disrespectfully, refusing to provide anything and insulting David in the process.

Abigail, upon learning of her husband’s folly and the impending danger, took matters into her own hands. She quickly gathered a substantial amount of food and supplies and went out to meet David and his men.

Upon encountering David, Abigail fell at his feet and begged for his forgiveness. She acknowledged David’s rightful position as the future king of Israel and appealed to his sense of justice and mercy. Abigail also praised David’s character and assured him that avenging himself against Nabal would bring him no honor.

Moved by Abigail’s wisdom and humility, David accepted her gifts and thanked her for preventing him from acting rashly. He praised God for sending Abigail to intercept him and spare him from shedding innocent blood.

After Abigail returned home, she found Nabal feasting and drunk. She wisely chose not to confront him at that moment. The next morning, when she told Nabal about her encounter with David, his heart failed him, and he became like a stone. About ten days later, the Lord struck Nabal, and he died. After Nabal’s death, David sent for Abigail and married her.

David expressed gratitude to God for Abigail’s intervention and wisdom, recognizing her as a blessing and a gift from God. Abigail went on to become one of David’s wives and played a significant role in his life and reign.

The story of Abigail and David highlights themes of wisdom, humility, mercy, and the sovereignty of God. Abigail’s quick thinking and diplomatic skills not only saved her household from disaster but also earned her favor in the eyes of David, who later became one of the greatest kings of Israel.


The story of abigail and david – अबीगैल और डेविड की कहानी

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