Bible Stories

The story of “A letter that wasn’t signed” – “एक पत्र जिस पर हस्ताक्षर नहीं थे” की कहानी

The story of “A Letter That Wasn’t Signed” is a compelling narrative found in the Bible in the Book of 2 Kings, specifically in chapter 19, and it also features prominently in the Book of Isaiah, chapter 37.

King Hezekiah of Judah is facing a grave threat from the Assyrian Empire, led by King Sennacherib. Sennacherib has already conquered many cities in Judah and is now besieging Jerusalem. In a desperate bid for help, Hezekiah seeks the assistance of the prophet Isaiah and prays to God for deliverance.

King Sennacherib sends a letter to Hezekiah, filled with taunts and threats. The letter is intended to intimidate Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem, asserting that their God cannot save them from the might of the Assyrian army. Sennacherib mocks the God of Israel, comparing Him unfavorably to the gods of other nations that the Assyrians have conquered.

Hezekiah receives the letter and goes to the temple to pray. He spreads the letter before the Lord and asks God to deliver Jerusalem from the Assyrian threat, emphasizing that the Assyrians have defied God. Hezekiah appeals to God’s honor and reputation among the nations.

Isaiah receives a message from God in response to Hezekiah’s prayer. God assures Hezekiah that He has heard his prayer and that He will indeed defend the city. God promises to put a stop to the Assyrian advance and to defeat the Assyrian army.

That very night, the Angel of the Lord goes out and strikes down 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in their camp. The remaining Assyrians, witnessing the devastation, retreat and return to their homeland. King Sennacherib later returns to Nineveh, where he is ultimately killed by his own sons.

The story highlights the power of earnest prayer and faith in God. Hezekiah’s reliance on God in the face of overwhelming odds is rewarded with divine intervention.

It demonstrates God’s protection over His people and His sovereignty over the nations. The defeat of the Assyrian army serves as a testament to God’s power and the futility of opposing Him.

The story also addresses the issue of blasphemy against God. Sennacherib’s mockery of God and his presumption in threatening Jerusalem are met with a decisive and miraculous response.

This story is a powerful example of divine deliverance and serves as a reminder of the importance of faith in God during times of crisis.


The story of “A letter that wasn’t signed” – “एक पत्र जिस पर हस्ताक्षर नहीं थे” की कहानी

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