Bible Stories

The story of a boy coming back to life – एक लड़के के जीवन में वापस आने की कहानी

The story of a boy coming back to life is a miraculous event from the Bible, found in the Old Testament in the book of 2 Kings 4:8-37. This story involves the prophet Elisha and a Shunammite woman who shows him great hospitality.

The story takes place in the town of Shunem, where a wealthy and kind woman lives. The Shunammite woman frequently provides food and lodging for Elisha whenever he passes through the town. She recognizes him as a holy man of God.

To show his gratitude for her kindness, Elisha wants to bless the Shunammite woman. He learns that she has no children and her husband is old. Elisha prophesies that she will have a son within a year. True to his word, she gives birth to a son the following year.

Years later, the child grows up and one day, while out in the field with his father, he suddenly cries out, “My head! My head!” He is carried back home to his mother but dies on her lap. The distraught mother lays the boy on Elisha’s bed in the room she had prepared for him. She then sets out to find Elisha, who is at Mount Carmel.

When the Shunammite woman reaches Elisha, she falls at his feet, expressing her grief and desperation. Elisha immediately sends his servant Gehazi ahead with his staff, instructing him to lay it on the boy’s face. Gehazi does as instructed but the boy does not wake up. Elisha arrives at the woman’s home and goes to the room where the boy lies.

Elisha prays to God and then stretches himself out on the boy, placing his mouth on the boy’s mouth, his eyes on the boy’s eyes, and his hands on the boy’s hands. The boy’s body begins to warm. Elisha gets up, walks around the room, and then repeats the process. The boy sneezes seven times and opens his eyes, fully restored to life.

Elisha calls the Shunammite woman and tells her to take her son. She falls at Elisha’s feet, overwhelmed with gratitude, and then picks up her son.

This story showcases the power of God working through Elisha, emphasizing that even death can be overcome through faith and divine intervention. The Shunammite woman’s initial hospitality and kindness lead to a profound blessing, showing that acts of kindness can result in great rewards. Elisha’s unwavering faith and persistence in prayer demonstrate the importance of steadfastness in seeking God’s help.

The story affirms the belief in God’s ultimate authority over life and death. The Shunammite woman’s faith in Elisha and God’s power is a testament to the importance of trust in divine promises. The woman’s initial act of generosity towards Elisha brought about blessings and miracles in her life, highlighting the virtue of hospitality.

This story of a boy coming back to life through Elisha’s intervention is a powerful example of faith, divine power, and the blessings that come from acts of kindness and generosity.


The story of a boy coming back to life – एक लड़के के जीवन में वापस आने की कहानी

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