Bible Stories

The call of samuel – शमूएल की पुकार

The story of the call of Samuel is found in the Old Testament of the Bible. It recounts the calling of Samuel, a significant figure in the history of Israel, and how he became a prophet and judge of the nation. 

During a time when the word of the Lord was rare and visions were infrequent, the young boy Samuel served in the tabernacle under the priest Eli. One night, while Samuel was lying down in the tabernacle, he heard a voice calling his name. Believing it was Eli calling him, Samuel ran to Eli’s side and asked what he wanted.

However, Eli had not called Samuel, so he instructed the boy to go back and lie down. This happened three times, with Samuel repeatedly running to Eli, thinking that Eli had called him. After the third time, Eli realized that it was the Lord calling Samuel.

Eli instructed Samuel to go back and respond, saying, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” So, Samuel returned to his place and waited for the voice to speak again. The Lord called Samuel once more, and this time, Samuel answered as he had been told.

The Lord then revealed His message to Samuel. He foretold the judgment that would come upon Eli’s household because of the disobedience and sins of Eli’s sons. From that day forward, Samuel became the Lord’s prophet, and the Lord’s presence was with him throughout his life.

Samuel grew to become a respected and influential figure in Israel, serving as a prophet, priest, and judge. He played a significant role in anointing and guiding Israel’s first two kings, Saul and David.

The story of the call of Samuel emphasizes the personal encounter between God and a young boy who would go on to become a great prophet and leader. It highlights the importance of attentiveness and responsiveness to God’s voice, as Samuel demonstrated by listening and obeying.

The call of Samuel also portrays God’s faithfulness in raising up individuals to carry out His purposes, even in times when spiritual revelation may seem scarce. It serves as an example of how God can use anyone, regardless of age or background, for His divine plan and work.

Overall, the story of the call of Samuel showcases the significance of listening to God’s voice, obeying His commands, and being open to His leading in one’s life. It encourages believers to be attentive to the Lord’s call and to respond with humility and willingness to serve Him.


The call of samuel – शमूएल की पुकार

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