Bible Stories

The birth of samson – सैमसन का जन्म

The story of the birth of Samson is found in the book of Judges in the Old Testament of the Bible. It recounts the miraculous birth of Samson, who would become a famous judge of Israel.

During a time when the Israelites were being oppressed by the Philistines for forty years, an angel of the Lord appeared to a woman who was unable to conceive. The angel informed her that she would conceive and bear a son. The angel also gave specific instructions regarding the child’s upbringing.

The woman, named Manoah’s wife, relayed the encounter to her husband, who prayed to God for the angel to appear again and provide further instructions. God answered their prayer, and the angel returned to speak to Manoah.

Manoah asked the angel for guidance on how to raise the child, and the angel reiterated the instructions previously given to Manoah’s wife. He emphasized that the child should be consecrated to God from birth and abstain from certain behaviors, including drinking wine and eating anything unclean.

As a sign of the angel’s visitation, Manoah offered a sacrifice to God. As the flames rose from the altar, the angel ascended into the heavens in the fire. Manoah and his wife realized that they had been visited by an angel of the Lord and feared for their lives, believing they would surely die for seeing such a sight.

However, Manoah’s wife reassured him, stating that if God had intended to kill them, He would not have accepted their sacrifice or given them the promise of a child. They named their son Samson, and he grew up to become a strong and mighty judge of Israel, known for his incredible physical strength and leadership.

The birth of Samson was significant because he was destined to deliver Israel from the oppression of the Philistines. His extraordinary strength, bestowed by God, would play a pivotal role in his mission.

The story of the birth of Samson emphasizes God’s intervention in human affairs and His ability to use ordinary individuals for extraordinary purposes. It underscores the importance of consecration to God’s purposes and the fulfillment of His divine plans. The birth of Samson sets the stage for the subsequent events in his life, where he would confront the Philistines and serve as a leader and judge of Israel for many years.


The birth of samson – सैमसन का जन्म

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