Bible Stories

Story of valley of dry bones – सूखी हड्डियों की घाटी की कहानी

The Valley of Dry Bones is a prophetic vision described in the Book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament of the Bible. It is found in Ezekiel 37:1-14 and is one of the most well-known and symbolic passages in the book. The vision of the valley of dry bones is a powerful metaphor for God’s ability to bring new life and hope to the spiritually dead.

The vision is given to the prophet Ezekiel during a period of exile when the Israelites were in captivity in Babylon. The Israelites were feeling spiritually and nationally dead, as they had been separated from their homeland and the temple in Jerusalem, which was the center of their religious life.

In the vision, Ezekiel is led by the Spirit of the Lord to a valley filled with dry bones. These bones are not just dry but completely lifeless, signifying the hopelessness and despair of the Israelites in exile.

God asks Ezekiel if these dry bones can live again. Ezekiel responds that only God knows. This response reflects the sense of hopelessness that pervaded the Israelite community in exile.

God instructs Ezekiel to prophesy to the dry bones. As Ezekiel speaks God’s word, there is a stirring and a rattling in the valley. The bones come together, bone to bone, and form complete skeletons.

Next, Ezekiel is instructed to prophesy to the breath (or spirit), and the breath enters the bodies. The once lifeless bodies now have breath in them. Sinews, flesh, and skin cover the skeletons, forming complete bodies.

What was once a valley of dry bones is now a vast multitude of living, breathing people. God explains to Ezekiel that this vision represents the people of Israel, who feel spiritually dead and hopeless in exile. God promises to restore them to their land and breathe new life into them.

The vision of the valley of dry bones symbolizes the spiritual restoration and revival of Israel. It serves as a message of hope, assuring the people that God has the power to bring them back to life, both spiritually and nationally, and restore their fortunes.

The message of the vision extends beyond its historical context and carries a universal message of God’s ability to bring renewal, hope, and spiritual revival to individuals and communities who may feel spiritually dead or hopeless.

The Valley of Dry Bones is a profound and symbolic vision that emphasizes God’s sovereignty, the power of His Word, and His capacity to bring life out of what seems lifeless. It offers hope to those facing spiritual desolation and is a reminder of God’s promise of restoration and renewal to His people.


Story of valley of dry bones – सूखी हड्डियों की घाटी की कहानी

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