Bible Stories

Story of tower of babel – टॉवर ऑफ़ बैबेल की कहानी

The Tower of Babel is a biblical story found in the book of Genesis. According to the narrative, after the Great Flood, all of humanity spoke the same language and settled in the land of Shinar. They decided to build a city with a tower that would reach the heavens, known as the Tower of Babel.

The people believed that by constructing this tower, they would make a name for themselves and prevent their scattering across the Earth. However, their motives were seen as prideful and rebellious in the eyes of God. He decided to intervene to disrupt their plans.

To hinder their progress, God caused confusion among the people by confusing their language. Suddenly, they were unable to understand each other, and communication became impossible. This linguistic division led to the scattering of humanity across the Earth as different language groups formed.

The city and the tower were abandoned, hence the name Babel, which means “confusion” in Hebrew. The story serves as an explanation for the diversity of languages and the dispersion of people throughout the world.

The Tower of Babel story highlights the consequences of human arrogance and the belief that they can challenge or surpass the authority of God. It is often interpreted as a cautionary tale emphasizing humility and the limitations of human ambition.


Story of tower of babel – टॉवर ऑफ़ बैबेल की कहानी

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